Month: February 2021

Community Services and Low Income Home Energy Bill Incentives

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Community services are outstanding work done by a person or group of people for the betterment and welfare of the community without any form of payment. Community support is different from volunteerism, since it isn’t always done on a voluntarily basis and can only be required each case. Examples of community services include homeless shelters, food pantries, cleanups, and drug/alcohol rehabilitation programs. Nonetheless, on occasion, volunteerism is a form of …

Top 5 Benefits of Air Conditioning Units

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When your air conditioner reaches the ten-year markers and starts to show signs of slowing down, it is time to begin searching for a replacement cooling apparatus. Although you are aware that a newer AC is going to bring you several years of comfortable, cool air, not all St. Louis, Missouri homeowners know exactly how much the advantages of a brand-new AC can reap them. If you are shopping …